Ag Marketing Resource Center


Revised April 2024


Apricots are native to parts of Asia. They are hugely popular in Middle Eastern countries, with Turkey and Iran being the world’s largest producers of the fruit. Spanish missionaries are credited with introducing the apricot to California, which is the leading state of apricot production within the United States. Plums and apricots are genetically very similar and thus can hybridize making pluots (75 percent plum, 25 percent apricot), plumcots (50 percent plum, 50 percent apricot), and apriums (75 percent apricot, 25 percent plum) (University of Illinois – Extension, 2021). 

Today, nearly 75 percent of the apricots grown in the United States come from California. The remainder largely comes from Washington, with less than 1 percent from Utah. 

Total U.S. apricot production was 41,740 tons in 2021 with a value of $37 million. The tonnage in 2021 was up 10,330 tons from 2020. The value of fresh apricots was $27.6 million, while the value of processed apricots was $9.8 million (NASS, 2021). 

The most recent data reports that in 2012 per capita consumption of fresh apricots was 0.10 pounds. For the 2012-13 year, dried apricot consumption was 0.11 pounds, canned apricot consumption was 0.16 pounds, and frozen apricot consumption was 0.04 pounds (ERS 2020). 

Marketing Channels 

Apricots primarily mature in early summer, making them one of the earliest available summer fruits. The marketing season for apricots is from May 15 to July 5 for California; June 10 to August 15 for Utah; and June 20 to August 1 for Washington, according to the National Agricultural Statistics Service. Currently, majority of U.S. apricot production is sold fresh and commands a price three times higher per ton. The remaining apricots produced are destined for the processing sector (NASS, 2021). 

Although fresh apricots demand a higher price, they also demand more finesse during harvesting. Apricots are very delicate; therefore apricots destined for the fresh market must be picked by hand and when still firm. A common way to add value to fresh market apricots is to plant varieties that will ripen over an extended period of time. This allows the farmer to reduce peak labor demands (University of California – Extension, 2012) (University of Illinois – Extension, 2021). 

Some varieties of apricots such as Blenheim cannot be shipped fresh because they are so delicate. Selling these types of apricots locally at farmers’ markets or processing them are ways to add value. Processed apricots are mainly dried, canned, frozen or made into jams and jellies (Apricot Kings Orchards, 2021). 

An article titled Farmers get a taste of the possibilities of value-added farm products, written by Pamela Kan-Rice, explains how there are plenty of companies offering co-packing services for farmers wanting to add value to their produce. Farmers often have great ideas for value-added products, but don’t have the time, necessary machinery or know-how to transform their produce into a new product. Companies that offer co-packing services help farmers achieve these goals. Utilizing co-packing services is also a great option when farmers have an excess of produce that will perish quickly if not processed (Agriculture and Natural Resources – University of California, 2014). 


The number of U.S. apricot farms totaled 2,969 in 2017, an increase of about 660 farms from 2012. The total number of acres planted to apricots also increased by about 1,000 acres over the same period to 13,885 in 2017. (USDA, 2019). By 2017, the bearing acreage for apricot was 12,179 acres, which has increased since 2012. The yield has decreased quite a bit, from 5.00 tons per acre in 2019 to 3.77 tons in 2020 (NASS, 2022). 

In 2021, market prices for fresh apricots were $1,220 per ton and processed apricot prices were $521 per ton (NASS, 2022). 


In 2021, U.S. fresh apricot exports were valued at $13 million at a volume of 13.9 million pounds. Dried apricots were valued at nearly $5 million, with a volume of 3.1 million pounds, and prepared or preserved apricots were valued at $1.1 million, with a volume of 1.9 million pounds (ERS, 2022). 

Canada continued to be the largest export market for fresh apricots in 2021, purchasing fresh apricots valued at nearly $8,256. Mexico followed at $2,577. In 2021, Japan was the largest importer of U.S. dried apricots, buying dried apricots valued at nearly $1,165. Vietnam followed with $734 in imports. Canada and Mexico were the largest markets for prepared apricots (ERS, 2022). 

In 2021, the United States imported nearly 33 million pounds of dried apricots valued at $66 million. Turkey supplied 96.8 percent of the dried apricots. Nearly 11 million pounds of prepared or preserved apricots were imported valued at $16 million. 27.6 percent of the imported prepared or preserved apricots came from China, followed by France, Poland and Canada. Fresh apricot imports totaled 1 million pounds valued at $1.9 million. 90.5% percent of fresh apricots were imported from Chile, followed by New Zealand and Turkey (ERS, 2022). 


Like most stone fruits, apricots thrive in a Mediterranean climate, needing a warm and dry growing season, but plenty of irrigation. All stone fruits depend on a considerable amount of high quality water for successful production and desirable fruit size. Stone fruits are not tolerant of high salinity levels or toxic elements, including boron chloride and sodium. Both water availability and quality must be determined before establishing any orchard. Drip and flood irrigation are the two most commonly used irrigation methods for apricots. Planting apricot trees on berms is recommended if using flood irrigation. Apricots also require a decent amount of chilling hours (700 to 1,000 hours at or below 45 degrees Fahrenheit) to induce flowering (University of California – Extension, 2012). 


Helpful enterprise budgets for apricots:


ApricotKing Orchards, 2021.

Census of Agriculture, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), 2019.

Fruits and Tree Nuts – per capita consumption, Economic Research Service (ERS), USDA, 2020.

Growing Apricots in California: An Overview, University of California – Extension, 2012.

Noncitrus Fruits and Nuts , National Agricultural Statistics Service, (NASS), USDA, 2021.

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Businesses/Co-packing Services

  • BumbleBar - this Washington-based company started in 1995. Having 20 years of experience in the gluten free, organic food business, BumbleBar can address a wide range of co-packing needs.



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