Ducks and Geese
Revised November 2021
The majority of the poultry production in the United States is made up of chicken, egg and turkey products. Thus, the USDA's Economic Research Service (ERS) does not routinely follow the markets for other poultry, such as ducks or geese.
According to USDA sources, about 26.7 million ducks were slaughtered in the United States in 2017. The USDA reported that Americans consumed about 0.33, or 1/3, pound of duck per person in 2011. Consumption of goose is even less. High-value products from ducks and geese include liver pate, down feathers and smoked meat products. Tongues and feet products are also used as a delicacy, mostly exported to Hong Kong, although some are used by Asian Americans. Some agricultural producers are also finding markets for stocking ducks in the game farm industry.
- Meat & Poultry Labeling Terms, Food Labeling, Food Safety & Inspection Service (FSIS), USDA.
- Poultry Grading and Certification Programs, Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS), USDA - Provides grading and certification services for chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, guineas, pigeons and shell eggs, including process verification.
- Poultry-Small Farm Flock, University of Maryland - Provides a quick overview of small farm poultry markets.
- U.S. Poultry and Egg Association - This trade association represents the entire poultry industry, including producers of broilers, turkeys, ducks, eggs and breeding stock, as well as allied companies.
- Poultry Slaughter Annual Summary, National Ag Statistics Service, USDA.
- Goose Production, Food and Agriculture Organization, United Nations, 2002 - This publication examines several facets of goose production. It also examines specific products from goose production such as foie gras, meat and down feathers.