Ag Marketing Resource Center


Revised January 2024


The United States is one of the few nations in the world that can grow chestnuts, yet doesn't have a significant chestnut industry. U.S. chestnut production is less than 1 percent of total world production (IFAS Extension). The United States has 1,587 farms producing chestnuts on more than 4,200 acres (NASS 2017).

The top five states with the most chestnut acreage were Michigan, Florida, California, Oregon, and Virginia (NASS 2018).

The United States imported 3,200 metric tons of chestnuts in 2017. The USDA does not report statistics on U.S. chestnut production and consumption separately.

Value Added Options

Added markets may be, but not limited to, farmers markets, specialty grocery stores, wholesale purveyors, pre-packaged food processors, vegetarian food processors, ethnic markets, restaurant food purveyors, mail order businesses and seasonal food processors. 

Agritourism and u-pick farms have a growing consumer base, allowing an interactive experience with the consumer.


Chestnut Growers of America - Online resources for chestnut growers and researchers.
Northern Nut Growers Association, Inc. - This website provides information and resources related to nut tree production. 
Overcoming Bottlenecks in the Eastern US Chestnut Industry, Savannah Institute
The Chestnut Grower, Chestnut Growers of America
University of Florida Extension Services
2017 Census of Agriculture, National Ag Statistics Service (NASS), USDA, 2018.




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