Funds Available To Help Promote Value-Added Agriculture
Audio provided as a service to farm broadcasters by Iowa State University
Audio with Ray Hansen, Program Manager for the Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Value Added Agriculture Program
Suggested Lead: The U.S. Department of Agriculture has funds available to help promote value-added agriculture and is looking for new ideas from farmers and ranchers. The money is available through the Value-Added Producer Grant Program and USDA has $18 million in funds. Ray Hansen, Program Manager for the Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Value Added Agriculture Program, talks about what is considered value-added agriculture…tape
Cut #1 :47 OC…”a group”
Hansen talks about how the funding program works…tape
Cut #2 :26 OC…”pretty clearly”
There are a couple of places to go to apply for the funds…tape
Cut #3 :14 OC…”product’s eligibility”
Hansen says there a couple types of grants available…tape
Cut #4 :39 OC…”the product”
Beginning farmers are encouraged to apply, as are farmers coming from socially or economically-disadvantaged regions. Farmers and ranchers have until January 1, 2018, to apply for funding. For more information, go to the Ag Marketing Resource Center website at A G M R C dot org. (