Ag Marketing Resource Center

Turning to Value Added Agriculture During Low Prices

Audio provided as a service to farm broadcasters by the Ag Marketing Resource Center
Audio is with Dr. Michael Boland, Director of the Food Industry Center at the University of Minnesota

Suggested Lead: Lower commodity prices have been a drag on the agricultural economy for a few years, but one interesting side effect to the down economy is a rise in interest regarding value-added agriculture. 

Dr. Michael Boland, Director of the Food Industry Center at the University of Minnesota, says he expects a resurgence in interest because of the current down cycle in agriculture…Listen Here.

Cut #1        :35        OC:…”breeding program”

He says consumers generally seem willing to pay more for a premium product…tape

Cut #2        :39        OC:…”two examples”

Traditional ways to enhance value to agriculture include ideas like adding corn ethanol to the fuel supply. However, there are also several outside-the-box ideas. Before companies look at ways to add value, it’s important to remember that times and consumer tastes change over the years…tape

Cut 3        :35        OC:…”the future”

Boland says instead of spatting about which products are better, it’s important for agriculture and the food industry to understand how fortunate we are to be able to provide consumers with many different food choices…tape

Cut 4        :46        OC:…”cultural preferences”

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