Value-Added Grants Help Dairy Family Realize A Dream

Audio provided as a service to farm broadcasters by the Agricultural Marketing Resource Center, Ames, Iowa

Audio with Josie Rozen, co-owner, Dan and Debbie’s Creamery, Ely, Iowa

Suggested Lead: Dan and Debbie Takes of Ely, Iowa, were first-generation dairy farmers who wanted to find a way to work more farm-to-table. They and their kids wanted to take the raw milk from their farm and produce a premium product with it. After college, four of Dan and Debbie’s kids expressed an interest in going forward on a project. Their daughter, Josie Rozen (RAH-zehn), says that’s when the creamery officially began to take shape…

Cut #1              :39                   OC…”cheese curds”

She says starting a new business is a daunting challenge. The family began to look for financing help and came across the value-added producer grants available from USDA Rural Development…tape

Cut #2              :36                   OC…”apply for”

The value-added grant helped the family get going with their business idea. Now that Dan and Debbie’s Creamery is officially up and running, Rozen talks about how much the business means to them…tape

Cut #3              :32                   OC…”to finish”

The value-added producer grant played an important role in getting the creamery idea off the ground. Rozen says her advice for anyone else looking to add value to their product is to do the research, ask questions, and take a chance…tape

Cut #4              :28                   OC…”done this”

For more information on value-added producer grants, go to