Renewable Energy Report: April 2010 Newsletter

The Renewable Energy Newsletter provides information and analysis from agricultural economists and others on current issues facing the emerging renewable energy industry. More information on renewable energy can be found at our website. Please send comments on issues or topics by contacting me at or 641-423-0844. You can sign-up...

This article focuses on the profitability of the combined corn production and corn ethanol supply chain, how it varies over time and how supply chain profits and losses are distributed between corn production and ethanol production.

This article outlines the impact that state ethanol subsidies have on ethanol profitability and production and the subsequent impact on corn price, profitability and production.

This article continues the series on business success factors and focuses on the importance of financial structure and performance.

This article discusses the three legislative issues facing the ethanol industry: removing the blending wall, encouraging EPA to reconsider indirect land use and keeping the industry's ethanol subsidy.