Ag Marketing Resource Center

Renewable Energy Report: January 2015 Report

The AgMRC Renewable Fuels Monthly Report is now being produced as a partnership between the Agricultural Marketing Resource Center operated by the Value Added Agriculture Program at Iowa State Extension and Outreach (ISUEO), and the Iowa Grain Quality Initiative (IGQI) (, an ISUEO program directed specifically at grain processing and handling.
Connection of the IGQI and the monthly report will provide a long-term connection with the research and technical expertise of Iowa State Extension and Outreach, as well as provide expanded student opportunities for interaction with industry. 

During the last three years the corn ethanol industry has gone through a period of wide swings in costs, revenue and profitability. In this article we will examine the swings in ethanol revenue and cost of ethanol production.

With the right combination of government policies and other economic conditions, further growth in U.S. production and use of both ethanol and biodiesel can occur in the next several years.   However, the growth appears likely to be much slower than in the first decade of the 21st century.  In this article, we examine some of the issues facing biofuels and their implications for the ethanol industry.

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