Ag Marketing Resource Center

Renewable Energy Report: May 2009 Newsletter

The Renewable Energy Newsletter provides information and analysis from agricultural economists and others on current issues facing the emerging renewable energy industry. More information on renewable energy can be found at our website. Please send comments on issues or topics by contacting me at or 641-423-0844. You can sign-up...
AgMRC Renewable Energy Newsletter May 2009 Dr. Robert Wisner Biofuels Economist Ag Marketing Resource Center Iowa State University While biodiesel does not rank as high in expected contribution to the nation’s future energy supply as ethanol, it is still an important component of U.S. renewable fuels policies. The Energy...
AgMRC Renewable Energy Newsletter May 2009 Don Hofstrand Co-director Agricultural Marketing Resource Center (second in a series of two) Anhydrous ammonia (ammonia without water) can be a substitute for petroleum as a transportation fuel. It has the potential to make the hydrogen economy a reality in the near-term, at...
AgMRC Renewable Energy Newsletter May 2009 Daniel O’Brien and Mike Woolverton Extension Agricultural Economists K-State Research and Extension Crop producers in the United States have had both local and broader economic motivations for construction of starch-based ethanol plants in the United States over the last two to three...
AgMRC Renewable Energy Newsletter May 2009 Don Hofstrand Co-director, Ag Marketing Resource Center Iowa State University Extension (second in a series of two) Feed cost is a significant component of the cost of producing beef. So, the price of feed ingredients has a substantial impact on the profitability of...
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