Renewable Energy Report: November & December 2008 Newsletter

This is the sixth issue of a monthly newsletter focusing on renewable energy and U.S. agriculture. The newsletter is free of charge. The newsletter provides information and analysis from agricultural economists and others on current issues facing the emerging renewable energy industry. More information on renewable energy can be found...
AgMRC Renewable Energy Newsletter November/December 2008 Robert Wisner Professor of Economics and Energy Economist Ag Marketing Resources Center Iowa State University An old rule of thumb in economics is that high prices are the best cure for high prices. That has been proven true this year in the energy...
AgMRC Renewable Energy Newsletter November/December 2008 Don Hofstrand Co-director, Ag Marketing Resource Center Iowa State University Extension (Last in a Series) In the previous two articles in this series we discussed Brazil’s burgeoning sugarcane ethanol industry and the expanding use of ethanol in Brazil’s transportation sector. In this article...
AgMRC Renewable Energy Newsletter November/December 2008 David Swenson Department of Economics, ISU The number of corn ethanol processing facilities in Iowa and the nation has increased sharply this decade. Growth in the industry accelerated by the end of 2005 through 2006 as fuel prices increased, changes in reformulated fuels...
AgMRC Renewable Energy Newsletter November/December 2008 Eugene Takle Professor of Atmospheric Science and Professor of Agricultural Meteorology 515-294-9871 Don Hofstrand value-added agriculture specialist co-director AgMRC Iowa State University Extension 641-423-0844 (Sixth in a Series) In previous articles we discussed the science of climate change and how agriculture is...
AgMRC Renewable Energy Newsletter November/December 2008 Dr. Charles R. Hurburgh, Jr Professor, Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Iowa State University Dr. John D. Lawrence Professor, Department of Economics Iowa State University Dr. Raj. Raman Associate Professor, Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Iowa State University Connie...
AgMRC Renewable Energy Newsletter November/December 2008 Robert Wisner Professor of Economics and Energy Economist Ag Marketing Resources Center Iowa State University Our current projections of U.S. dry distillers grain and solubles (DDGS) production and use. will update these projections each month as USDA numbers and market conditions change. No...
AgMRC Renewable Energy Newsletter November/December 2008 Don Hofstrand Co-director, Ag Marketing Resource Center Iowa State University Extension Corn-Ethanol Profitability Chart The emergence of the ethanol industry has generated substantial profits for individuals involved in ethanol and corn production. However, different sectors of the industry benefit at different times. Outlined...