Ag Marketing Resource Center

VAPG Program

For the most up-to-date VAPG application status and information, please visit the USDA Rural Development website here


The Value-Added Producer Grant (VAPG) Program is a competitive grants program administered by the Rural Business Cooperative Service at USDA to help producers move into value-added agricultural enterprises. The term "value-added" refers to an agricultural commodity or product that has changed physically or was produced, marketed or segregated (for example, identity preserved, eco labeling, etc.) in a manner that enhances its value or expands its customer base.

First authorized in 2001, the program was expanded and improved under the 2002 and 2008 Farm Bills. This program aims to provide planning and/or capital investment for value-adding enterprises started by farmers, ranchers, foresters and fishermen. These enterprises help increase income, create new jobs, contribute to community and rural economic development, and enhance food choices for consumers.

To be eligible for grant funding, applicants for a VAPG must meet requirements that are outlined in the Notice of Funds Available (NOFA) published in the Federal Register. If you are an independent producer, a farmer or rancher cooperative, agricultural producer group or a majority-controlled producer-based business venture, you are eligible to apply for a value-added grant. The NOFA will provide definitions for each of these categories, along with other requirements of the program. A new NOFA is published each fiscal year and includes any information relating to any particular emphasis USDA is considering.

Types of Grants

When applying for a grant, applicants must choose between two different types of activities for funding. Funding is available for:

  1. Planning grants to develop feasibility studies, business plans, marketing plans and legal evaluations. ($75,000 maximum award)
  2. Working capital grants to purchase inventory, office equipment and supplies; pay salaries, utilities and office rent; cover legal and accounting costs; conduct marketing campaigns; and develop branding and packaging materials. ($250,000 maximum award)

Applicants are eligible to apply for only one of these two types of grants each grant cycle.

Grant funds may not be used for repair, acquisition or construction of a building or facility or to purchase, rent or install fixed equipment. Cash and/or in-kind matching funds are required, must be at least equal to the amount of Federal funds awarded and must be expended in advance. That is, for each grant dollar advanced, an equal amount of match must have been expended first.

Matching Funds

The program requires a one-to-one match. A cash match is defined as actual funds dedicated to the project. An in-kind match includes time, equipment, space, staff salaries, etc. Examples of a cash match might be third-party contributions from groups, farm organizations or individuals donating cash toward a project; the salary of a person or persons working on a project (cash transaction); travel expenses to attend meetings or participate in training sessions; state appropriations or non-federal funds that have not been spent; bank financing; revolving loan funds; or county financing.

Examples of in-kind contributions include space; equipment; supplies, copies, telephone and other expenses that are dedicated to the project; volunteer time/unpaid services provided to a recipient by an individual or employee working on a project ( non-cash transaction); value of hours of non-federally funded personnel assisting with project, for example, State Dept. of Agriculture, local economic development agencies, volunteer board members, etc; donation of office space or meeting rooms; or donation of inventory including equipment or buildings.

Types of Valued-Added Activities Eligible for Grants

VAPG funds may be used for:

  • Commodity processing
  • Market differentiation
  • Commodity segregation
  • On-farm production of renewable energy
  • Local food
  • Mid-tier value chain

Increasing value by changing commodity’s physical state, by marketing the commodity’s special identity or character, by keeping the commodity physically apart in production and distribution, by aggregating and marketing food for local markets, by linking farmers with local and regional supply networks in which they are an equal partner and realizing value by transforming natural resources into energy on the farm.

Some examples include: wine, flour, cheese, jam, biodiesel, organic, grass-fed, humane, state branding, GMO-free, no-rBGH, varietal purity, wind, solar, geothermal, on-farm biodiesel, buy local - buy fresh, community-based food enterprises, supplying local preferences, farm to institution, farm to food service or restaurant and value chain using a consumer seal

VAPG funds may not be used for:

  • Agricultural production, harvesting or commodity transportation.
  • Research and development (the specific value-added product must already be known and have a high probability of success).
  • Land, real estate facility planning, design, engineering, acquisition, repair, improvement or construction.
  • Purchase or rent of machinery and equipment (other than office and computer equipment), vehicles or boats.
  • Payments to any firm not at least 51 percent owned by US citizens or permanent residents.
  • Payments to owners or family members (salaries, dividends, etc.)
  • Grant application costs or lobbying.

Examples of Past Grant Recipients

The case studies of VAPG recipients are also available for reference. At its website, USDA Rural Development provides a complete VAPG information.

NEW! Wondering how the Value Added Producer Grant could help you? Check out this video to see past recipients highlights from the grant!

Preparing an Application

The most recent information on funding availability and applications is available through your state USDA Rural Development office. Check with them or your state’s Department of Agriculture about recent news or upcoming workshops about the program. They can provide information, applications and guidance on when and how to apply for a grant.

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